Ahhh I'm in Switzerland! Never in my life did I think I would be saying that statement, but three weeks in and it's finally starting to feel normal. Here’s a recap of my first few weeks!!
Pre-Departure Reflection:
I didn't have the chance to set up my blog pre-departure, but I'd be doing a major disservice if I didn't discuss it. Honestly, I was frightened before I left. I feared the unknown and was anxious for what my daily life would look like. I tried to prepare as much as possible; I got a new phone plan, I gathered my essentials, I packed (and packed, and packed, and packed even more), and I spent as much time with my family and friends as possible. While I was scared and already feeling homesick, I was also beyond excited. I've known forever I wanted to study abroad - and now it was finally a reality! If I could go back and talk to Hala 1 month ago, I would tell her to embrace the unknown more and focus on the excitement rather than the anxiousness.
Post Arrival Reflection:
When I arrived to Switzerland, I was fortunate enough that my dad came with me. He let me take the lead and embrace the independence I need while abroad, but he was there as the most supportive figure helping me along the way. I was beyond happy and excited to be in Switzerland; however I did come on an overnight flight landing at 6 AM Zurich time, so it was go-go-go for me the minute I landed. Adjusting went how I expected for me, it was overwhelming, difficult, beautiful, confusing, a shock. Here were my first observations upon arrival:
Everyone is organized, focused
Switzerland is extremely clean
It is so extremely safe, everywhere
Why is everything closed on Sundays?
It is so expensive- omg.
It is freezing, midwest winters are nothing compared to this.
It is so gorgeous, everywhere is picture perfect.
The food is amazing!

It was difficult when I arrived, I definitely became overwhelmed almost immediately. I took it step by step and figured out what worked for me/did not work for me. I made mistakes - like getting fined on the train because I didn’t understand the process for purchasing tickets - and I had to put myself out there more than I knew I could. Meeting people was daunting, but it’s the most amazing experience getting to meet so many from different backgrounds. Planning courses was a success, grocery shopping in budget was a milestone, exploring the city and partaking in the culture was fun, and traveling has been insane.

19 Day Reflection:
Living and studying in Switzerland has been an experience I could not have anticipated. It has been much more difficult for me to adjust than I thought it’d be, but I’m doing it! Everyday I realize how fortunate I am to have Winterthur as my home-base, and everyday I am finding more things to love and cherish. I’ve learned to give myself more grace and tackle each situation and experience with an open mind. I’m excited to see how my mindset and reflections change as I progress!
