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Saint Patrick’s Day in Liverpool!

Happy late St. Paddy's Day! I hope it was as awesome for you as it was for me! This year was one of the best yet because I was in what many Irish citizens consider Ireland's second capitol. Many people in Liverpool have irish heritage and so the holiday is hugely celebrated here. Liverpool is known for having over 2,000 pubs in the city and a majority of them are irish which makes the day crazy!

My friends and I got the day started by visiting Tesco to grab paper cups so that we would not have to worry about washing glasses and then taking showers to prepare for the long day ahead! We finally got into the irish spirit at around 3:00pm. We had a large gathering prior to going down to the City Centre at our flat and many of the study abroad kids joined us in singing Rattlin' Bog and Tell Me Ma. It was such a good bonding experience as well as a great way to meet so many new people. We then headed to the city and were shocked by the mass amount of people. If you think people love St. Pats in Five Points then imagine that but times 10. People were dancing in the streets, which were not actually blocked off, and singing the songs that the irish pubs were blaring. We had a ball! I went to 6 different irish pubs and can honestly say I enjoyed my time in every single one of them.

We all began getting tired at around 10pm though because the day had been so long, and so we headed back to the flat to basically all completely pass out due to exhaustion.

This was probably one of the best weekends I have had since coming to Liverpool. Everyone was so excited to be in the city and people wanted to just enjoy their time existing together and it was the most rewarding experience just seeing so many joyful people celebrating their heritage!

I cannot wait to see what else is to come!!


Ainsley Porter

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