Where in the world would the cast of The Good Place study abroad?
Welcome to a new series of blog posts from the Education Abroad Office! I'm Haley, an Education Abroad Advisor in the EAO, and I'm kicking off our newest blog series! In this series "Where would they go?", we will post about where we think characters from our favorite tv shows would go to study abroad! I hope you enjoy :)
Eleanor Shellstrop - Mexico
Eleanor, the lead in The Good Place, is known to be a relatable, witty, and complex character. Eleanor is described as..."From start to finish she remained a relatable everywoman: someone who, like so many of us, could’ve been a better citizen of Earth if she hadn’t gotten off to a bad start and then let entropy take hold." In addition to her humor and relatability, Eleanor is known to enjoy shrimp cocktails and margaritas! So, what better location for her to study abroad than Mexico, the birthplace of the margarita!
If you relate to Eleanor, you could consider looking for programs in Mexico as well! The EAO offers a Global Exchange program to Mexico with Tecnológico de Monterrey. You can learn more about that program here. If that program doesn't meet your needs, you can also check out our Global Partner Programs who offer programs in Mexico, like CIEE and SIT!
Chidi Anagonye - Greece
Chidi is introduced in The Good Place as someone who is obsessed with ethics and moral principles. Before entering The Good Place, Chidi was a professor of Moral Philosophy in several countries and his extensive knowledge of philosophy shows throughout the series. So, where would he go to study abroad? Athens, Greece of course! Ancient Greece is known as the birthplace of Western philosophical ethics, so what better place for Chidi to go to study abroad other than Greece!
If you enjoy philosophy and the history of ancient Greece as much as Chidi, you should check out some of our programs options! USC faculty members may offer Global Classroom Programs in Greece - for example, this past Maymester we ran 2 programs in Greece - Business Culture in Greece and Greek Influence of Sport and Culture. If you are interested in a Global Classroom program, filter for them in our Program Directory and keep an eye out for new program updates as the academic year moves forward! For longer-term programs in Greece, check out the options with out Global Partners, AIFS, ASA, and ISA!
Tahani Al-Jamil - France
Throughout the series, Tahani sports incredible fashion and talks about her passion for charity and art. She hosts extravagant parties in both her former life and her life in The Good Place. She values the finer things and I can't imagine a more fitting location for her to study abroad besides Paris, France! In Paris, Tahani would have the opportunity to live amongst the luxurious fashion houses, like Christian Dior, Louis Vuitton, and Chanel - and she could spend weekends visiting the lovely museums such as The Louvre, Musée d'Orsay, and The Musée Rodin.
If you enjoy fashion and art as much as Tahani, you should consider some programs in Paris! The EAO has a partnership with The American Business School Paris, where USC students can attend through a Global Exchange or a Global Direct program! We also offer another Global Exchange program at Sciences Po! If you would prefer a Global Partner program, check out the options in Paris though - AIFS, CIEE, ISA, API, SAI, IES, and CEA!
Jason Mendoza - Argentina
In addition to being a DJ in his life before The Good Place, Jason was known to be a huge fan of football and the Jacksonville Jaguars. Jason is fun loving, curious, and a big fan of sports! Surely he would love getting involved in a new sports fandom, like soccer, in Argentina! Living in Buenos Aires, Jason would be able to visit Estadio Monumental, the home stadium of the Argentinian National Team! Plus, he would still be able to wear his favorite team's colors, blue and white!
If you love sports like Jason, consider some program options in Argentina! The EAO has a partnership with Universidad de Palermo, in Buenos Aires, as both a Global Exchange and a Global Direct option. If you are looking for a Global Partner Program in Argentina, try checking out programs with AIFS, CIEE, ASA, ISA, API, CIS, IES, CEA, and SIT!
Michael - Denmark
Michael is introduced in the series as the architect of The Good Place. It is eventually revealed that he was tasked with creating this world specifically for torturing Eleanor, Chidi, Tahani, and Jason. He manipulated everything that happened around them and designed the same neighborhood over and over again until he could complete his experiment. Although the project started for malicious reason, he was the architect after-all. So, as an architect, where would Michael choose to study abroad? Copenhagen, Denmark! Copenhagen contains a blend of Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, and Neoclassical architecture and it would be a lovely location for Michael to use his architecture skills for good!
If you're looking to study abroad in Copenhagen, try checking out a Global Partner Program with CIEE! If you would prefer a Global Exchange Program, take a look at the Global Exchange program at Aarhus University in Aarhus, Denmark!
Janet - Singapore
Janet is introduced as the "Informational Assistant" in The Good Place. She is the source of all information and knowledge for humans within The Good Place, and she can also provide them with any object as requested. Janet essentially functions as a form of Artificial Intelligence in The Good Place - so, what better place to study abroad for Janet other than Singapore, a country that is using AI as a pedagogy, rather than simply a technological tool in education. Janet would thrive in Singapore, one of the most wired and technologically advanced countries in the world!
Interested in technology? Maybe you'll be interested in some program options in Singapore as well! Check out the options in Singapore with out Global Partners CIEE and TEAN.